Thursday, February 7, 2013

My Angels

Passage Camp: Art and Sports Therapy Project
Marco Polo Care Center, Virlanie Foundation Inc.
You are my angels,
I love hearing your innocent voices…
I love putting you into sleep in your beds,
And then waking up, wondering how you reached my bed
Hugging me all over,
And then seeing your eyes still closed
I'll just let you stay beside me.

But I love you my angels
And I might get mad at times,
Or talk to you as loud as I could---
Yet know it was never anger towards you as who you are
Know that I’ve done that because I want to guide you
And I want all the best for you.

My little angels
I may had taught you about this, and that,
But you’ve actually taught me more…
You all have taught me what hope really is,
And you are teaching me more about life,
You are teaching me all about love. 

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